IU's Theory of Change

Advancing IU's Plan 2030 Goals

Partnerships with P-12 education is one of the most important ways that Indiana University serves the state, and local schools are an important aspect of - and pathway into - IU's overall engagement with the communities and regions it serves. 

IU has more than 850 activities, programs, or projects with P-12 schools, including an activity in every county in the state, 89% of Indiana school corporations, and 54% of P-12 schools. 

The relationship between Indiana University and the state's P-12 to career ecosystem is symbiotic and reciprocal. IU is committed to:

  • Adapting to and integrating with the P-12 to career factors that impact and shape our work and core mission; and
  • Ensuring that IU's actions and expertise reciprocally shape the P-Career policy and practice landscape.

The five strategies below take into consideration three contexts relevant to the IU 2030 Strategic Plans and key state-wide initiatives:

  • Current and emerging issues across the Indiana P-12 ecosystem
  • State workforce trends and objectives
  • Alignment with state college-going objectives
  1. P-12 partnerships will be authentically informed by, and help shape, the local and regional P-12 communities they serve.
  2. IU P-12 partnerships and practices will advance access, inclusivity, and equity in education outcomes. 
  3. IU partnerships will foster resilience and success throughout the educator pipeline.
  4. IU is a trusted, innovative, and responsive partner to the Indiana Department of Education, Commission for Higher Education, State P-12 policy leaders, and P-12 educators who seek out and value our leadership, expertise, and contributions on key state-wide issues.
  5. IU is organized across campuses, units, and offices to improve practices that increase student success, maximize efficiency & collaboration, and promote replicability in P-12 partnerships.


Strategy #1: Strengthening campus-community connections through P-12 engagement 

IU initiatives support local, regional, and state postsecondary and workforce objectives and initiatives. IU campuses develop community-centric models of engagement that ensure reciprocity, incorporating approaches such as stewardship of place and community engaged research into their P-12 partnerships. 

Strategy #2: Advancing educational access, inclusivity, and equity through P-12 engagement

P-12 partnerships at IU are guided by access, equity, and inclusion informed strategies, ensuring that P-12 programming actively engages underrepresented, marginalized, and first-generation and low-income students, families, and communities. 


Strategy #3: Fostering resilience, innovation, and success throughout the educator pipeline

Through research-based, learner-centered, innovative, and holistic support and collaborations with P-12 educators, IU Schools of Education and academic units will play a vital role in maintaining a continuous pipeline of educators, counseling and student service personnel, and school leaders prepared to address the challenges of today and shape the future of P-12 education.


Strategy #4: Elevate and communicate IU’s contribution to P-12 education

Lead boldly, engaging directly with state P-12 leaders and educators to affirm IU’s commitment, align objectives, and develop areas of innovation. IU’s P-12 research, expertise and contributions will be shared with Hoosier P-12 policy leaders and educators through public-facing convenings, reports, resource hubs, and collaborative research and assessment activities.

Strategy #5: Strengthen Institution-wide coordination of P-12 engagement across campuses

IU's Office of School Partnerships is providing cohesion, visibility, and support for these strategies and P-12 initiatives across IU's campuses and represent IU with P-12 policy leaders. We serve as a centralized hub for reporting, collaboration, innovation, and resource sharing, overseeing centralized data strategies that monitor the impact of P-12 engagement.