Strategy 4: IU's Commitment to P-12

Strategy 4: Elevating and Communicating IU’s Commitment to P-12 Education

Engage directly with state leaders and educators to affirm IU’s commitment, align objectives, and develop areas of innovation. IU’s P-12 research, contributions, and institutional practices will be designed to support Indiana’s college and career goals.

IU implemented changes based on feedback from the Teacher Prep Inspection and the National Council on Teacher Quality. As these reviews progress, IU remains poised to continue its leadership in literacy education, providing future teachers with the skills necessary to help all Hoosier students succeed.  

These efforts equip future educators with the latest tools and knowledge to foster reading proficiency, demonstrating IU’s dedication to shaping the state’s educational landscape.

Educating for Environmental Change

Indiana University’s Educating for Environmental Change (EfEC) project is transforming how P-12 educators teach environmental science and policy, helping overcome barriers like misinformation and lack of resources. Led by J. Adam Scribner, director of STEM education initiatives in the IU Bloomington School of Education, and Michael Hamburger, professor of Geophysics in the Department of Earth & Atmospheric Sciences, EfEC brings together educators, scientists, and veteran teachers to create dynamic, hands-on workshops that engage both teachers and their students in critical discussions about climate change and environmental resilience.