The Office of School Partnerships is proud to host an annual gathering that brings together faculty and staff from all IU campuses with P-12 school leaders and education partners. Together we explore community-oriented, responsive partnerships and discuss the current landscape of P-12 education in Indiana.
Multiple Stories of Partnership
- Support and connect IU faculty and P-12 partners to amplify and expand partnership practices that are community-centered, mutually beneficial, and sustainable.
- Center the lived experiences of partnerships from the perspective of P-12 partners and IU faculty and staff.
- Illustrate how IU can support P-12 partners to navigate current changes in state legislation.
- Foster new possibilities and networking for P-12-university partnerships.
Intended Audience
- P-12 educators with existing IU partnerships or who want to be in partnership.
- IU faculty and staff interested in or currently engaging with P-12 partnerships.
- Higher education and state education leaders.
Spotlight your PK-12 program
Want to share your program with Summit participants?
Fill out the form at this link and we'll spotlight your good work at the Summit.

We harness the knowledge, resources, people, and talents across all IU campuses.